Greenland trips return

Two expeditions went out to the east coast with me this summer.
Both trips were very successful - and everyone enjoyed exploring this remote area and experiencing the local culture.
Some of the highlights were kayaking amongst the many huge icebergs which travel south down the coast, visiting outlying Greenlandic communities where few people speak Danish or English, seeing Fin and Humpback Whales at close quarters from the kayaks, exploring the site of an old abandoned American DEW line station and camping at the mouth of the Karale glacier which we discovered has receded inland over 5 miles since the maps were last updated.
As before the weather was generally good with plenty of sun for that perfect Greenlandic "neck up" tan.
The ROCKPOOL kayaks performed extremely well and even the less experienced boat packers found they had room to spare after loading two weeks food and equipment in the Alaw's. Everyone who paddled them thought they were stable, fast and manoverable, had plenty of storage and were very comfortable to spend the best part of their day in.
Thanks go to all those who took part for helping make it a truly memorable experience -
John, Dave, Sue, Tizzy, Ian, Sam, Mark, Steve, Sue, Ieuan and Elizabeth.
Two more trips are planned next summer and bookings have already been recieved, Tizzy has the Greenland Bug and will be returning on the first trip next July which is planned to travel south from Ammassalik to Isertok, returning via the site of Gino Watkins 1930/31 base camp near Nagtivit and then explore Sermilik fjord before being picked up at Tinitequilaq, a small comunity at the north end of Ammassalik Island.
For further details please contact me at :-