2021 Advanced trip "The Watkins Trail".
In 2021 I will be leading a small expedition, south down the coast past Sermilik fjord.
This trip will initially aim for Natavit and explore the site of the original British Arctic Air Route Expedition base.
During the trip we would hope to get up onto the ice cap with an over night bivi.
The final paddling route selection will be made at the time based on ice conditions.
This is an advanced trip, aimed at experienced expedition paddlers.
Stoves, fuel, breakfasts and freeze dried main meals while on trip are provided.
Kayaks, paddles, decks and PFD's will be supplied.
Boat shuttles and transport in Greenland is included.
Bear defence and group safety gear is provided.
Specific training will be delivered during the expedition.
Expedition fee does not include your flights.
1 / 3 ratio.
Send applications with full paddling / expedition CV to
Expedition fee (TBC)
£ 3800.00